CMA Standards Council Site   the Seal   Directory  

Directory of Accredited Partners

This directory lists those organisations who have successfully met the CMA Standards Council's Principles and Standards of Responsible Stewardship. The functionality and detail in this directory will grow as the number of accredited partners expands.
FEBC Australia

PO Box 183, Caringbah, NSW, 1495
Phone: 1300 720 017
ABN: 68000509517

  FEBC reaches the least, the lost and the forgotten through radio and internet ministry. Our goal is to communicate the Good News among the nations by media to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ.

CEO: Janet Cousens
Board Chair: Ron Cameron
Annual Revenue: $2m

Anglican Aid

PO Box Q190, QVB Post Office, NSW 1230
Phone: 02 9284 1406
ABN: 28525237517

  Anglican Aid provides Christian aid to vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas. We support over 100 projects in more than 30 countries around the world. Anglican Aid is supported by Anglican churches in Sydney and their friends.

CEO: Rev Tim Swan
Board Chair: The Rt Rev Malcolm Richards
Annual Revenue: $4.71m


PO Box 164, Blackburn, VIC, 3130
Phone: 03 9264 7000
ABN: 85085413832

  Tearfund is a movement of Christians in Australia responding to the needs of poor communities around the world. Our motivation comes from our belief that God loves all people, and in Christ offers them the opportunity of a new life. We believe that God is just, and has particular care for the poor and those who suffer as victims of injustice.

CEO: Matthew Maury
Board Chair: Joanna Lee
Annual Revenue: $16.7m

SU Australia

126 Barry Parade, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Phone: 1300 478 753
ABN: 74 009 669 569

  SU Australia is an interdenominational Christian, not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting children, young people and their families through school chaplaincy services, camps, community based initiatives, schools ministry, cross-cultural and at-risk youth programs. SU Australia also offers nationally recognised training in youth work through the SU Institute of Training (RTO 30548).

GROUP CEO: Alison Hunter
Board Chair: Peter Murphy
Annual Revenue: $52m


PO Box 2442 North Parramatta NSW 1750
Phone: 1300 1 PEACE (1300 173 223)
ABN: 50125667067

  PeaceWise exists to provide practical help and real hope to a conflict-weary world. We help individuals, organisations and communities learn life-changing biblical peacemaking principles and build cultures of peace. We teach personal peacemaking and Christian conflict resolution skills, provide Christian mediation and other help for conflict situations and share the reconciling power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

CEO: Wayne Forward
Board Chair: Jeroen Bruins
Annual Revenue: $482,000

Mt Tamborine Convention t/a Mt Tamborine Conference Centre

PO Box 38, North Tamborine, QLD, 4272
Phone: 07 5545 1419
ABN: 36459541472

  Mount Tamborine Convention (MTC) has a rich history of having brought significant spiritual impact to many at both the corporate and individual level for over 60 years. The ministry has been characterised by faithful exposition of the Word of God, facilitating Christ-centred discipleship, and demonstrating Christian unity and love.

CEO: Ross Dinnar
Board Chair: Bill Vine
Annual Revenue: $1.22m

Arrow Leadership

2 Mauritius Parade
Forest Lake Qld 4078
Phone: 03 9556 0226
ABN: 39003199488

  Arrow Leadership is committed to community transformation by developing Christian leaders who are led more by Jesus, who lead more like Jesus and who lead more to Jesus. We engage, stretch and release Christian leaders for Kingdom influence and service. Arrow Leadership has been serving in Australia since its inception in 1995, by developing and equipping pastoral and executive leaders in Churches, Not for Profits and Schools.

Acting CEO: Kylie Butler
Board Chair: Mike Stevens
Annual Revenue: $878,000

Gateway Baptist Church

PO Box 2033
Mansfield, Qld 4122
Phone: 07 3291 5900
ABN: 68607195522


Gateway Baptist Church is a multi campus church committed to changing lives by following Jesus in our community, nation and world.

Senior Pastor: Jason Elsmore
Board Chair: Nathan Manning
Annual Revenue: $7.08 million

MAF Australia

Unit 203, building T1, 14 Lexington Drive, Norwest Business Park, Bella Vista NSW 2153
Phone: 1800 650 169
ABN: 26134583887

  Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is a Christian organisation that provides aviation services for people living in remote areas around the world. Our purpose is to deliver practical and spiritual care to people in places of deepest human need. We fly over jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts to bring medical care, emergency relief, long-term development and the good news of Jesus.

Chief Executive Officer: Ian McBride
Board Chair: Chris Barnes
Annual Revenue: $5.6 million



Korus Connect

Locked Bag 3, Surrey Hills, Vic 3127
Phone: 03 9811 0999
ABN: 59 004 240 779


Korus Connect exists to support communities in realising their full potential and thrive. We believe that, under God, real and lasting community change is possible through local collaboration and partnerships with like-minded individuals, groups and organisations.

Korus Connect partners with a range of different individuals and community organisations around initiatives such as School Chaplaincy, Connected Communities, Christian SRI, a pastoral care conference, specialist solutions for not-for-profits and community organisations, volunteer and pastoral care training, and a not-for-profit board internship program.

Chief Executive Officer: Dawn Penney
Board Chair: Elida Brereton
Annual Revenue: $9.7 million



Compassion Australia

PO Box 1, Hunter Region MC, NSW 2310
Phone: 1300 22 44 53
ABN: 67 001 692 56


Compassion is a Christian international holistic child development organisation. We work in partnership with local churches to foster the spiritual, socio-economic, physical and economic development of children living in extreme poverty in 25 countries. Through our Child Sponsorship Program, more than 2 million children are being released from poverty in Jesus’ name!

Chief Executive Officer: Clare Steele
Board Chair: Isaac Moody
Annual Revenue: $97 million




Scripture Union NSW

PO Box 209, Ermington NSW 1700
Phone: 1300 22 44 53
ABN: 71 000 089 583


Scripture Union NSW is part of an international, interdenominational movement of Christians founded in 1867. We are passionate about Jesus, and seize the opportunity to share his amazing message of hope with the people of NSW.

Interim State Director: Glenn Coombs
Board Chair: Robyn Gillespie
Annual Revenue: $2.1 million

Churches of Christ in Victoria & Tasmania

Level 5, 111 Cecil Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Phone: 03 9488 8800
ABN: 26403323495

  Churches of Christ Vic/Tas (CCVT) is a movement of more than 130 Communities of Hope and Compassion (which may look like churches as we have known them) spread across Victoria and Tasmania, embedded in their neighbourhoods as signs, witnesses, and foretastes of the Kingdom of God. Together we work together to support each other as diverse Communities of Hope and Compassion in our God-given and God-driven calling to our neighbourhoods.

CEO: Rob Nyhuis
Board Chair: Elizabeth Hunter
Annual Revenue: $3.2m

Anglicare Tasmania
Anglicare Tasmania

GPO Box 1620, Hobart, Tasmania 7001
Phone: 1800 243 232
ABN: 90979742836

  Anglicare Tasmania is a non-profit organisation providing a wide range of community services to the people of Tasmania. Anglicare advocates for social justice and aids people in times of need. We provide programs relating to ageing, disability, health, housing, families, drug and alcohol treatment and support and more. Our services align with our mission to support people to experience fullness of life and are guided by our values of Hope, respect, Justice and Compassion.

CEO: Chris Jones
Board Chair: Mike Blake
Annual Revenue: $79.6m



Christian Venues Australia

PO Box 5552, SOUTH WINDSOR, NSW 2756

Phone: 1800 009 890
ABN: 74 050 611 295


Christian Venues Association is the peak body for Christian Camps, Conference Centres and retreat Venues in Australia. We exist to provide training, advocacy, education, pastoral support and resources that will enable our members to thrive in their particular and unique ministries. We are part of an alliance of 24 other associations throughout the world.

Chief Executive Officer: Graeme Janes
Board Chair: Marcel Edmonds
Annual Revenue: $742,000


Christian Media & the Arts Australia

ABN: 90 900 267 077


For over 40 years, CMAA has been working to see Jesus made known through media and the arts.  We work to empower those at the front line in media and the arts toward seeing a culture where lives and society are redeemed and transformed through knowing Jesus Christ. Our mission is to advocate and empower the creativity, excellence and unity of members and Christians in media and the arts.

Chief Executive Officer: Nathan Brown
Board Chair: Penny Mulvey
Annual Revenue: $999,000


Belgrave Heights Convention

3 Convention Avenue, Belgrave Heights, VIC 3160
Phone: (03) 9752 6855
ABN: 87 004 352 685


BHC exists to inspire and equip Christians to love and live for Christ in this world by developing spiritually mature Christians, whose faith and practice is anchored in the Bible, through the teaching and practical application of God’s Word

Chief Executive Officer: Geoff Gawler
Board Chair: Richard Coombs
Annual Revenue: $1.07m


Local Leaders International

PO Box 346 Springwood NSW 2777
Phone: (02) 9635 4409
ABN: 68 092 388 746


The mission Local Leaders International (formerly Overseas Council) is to raise up Christian leaders in majority world countries. It does this by identifying the best theological college within a local context with strong governance and accountability, and supporting the college with funding and resources, to enable it to do what it does best, so that the college in turn becomes an enabler and leader to other neighbouring colleges to assist them to become leaders and enablers to others also.

Chief Executive Officer: Stuart Brooking
Board Chair: David Brown
Annual Revenue: $1.8m

Hillcrest Christian College

21 Bridgeman Drive
Reedy Creek QLD 4227
Phone: (07) 5593 4226
ABN: 68 947 459 366


We are an independent, co-educational school with 1,550 students from Pre-Kindy - Year 12. We have one campus for all year levels, located in picturesque Reedy Creek, on the Gold Coast, Queensland. As an outreach of Reedy Creek Baptist Church, and Queensland Baptists, Hillcrest Christian College aspires to deliver a world leading, future-focused educational experience, underpinned by a biblical world view.

Chief Executive Officer: Jeff Davis
Board Chair: Jame Lewis
Annual Revenue: $30.7m

Medical Mission Aid

PO Box 1142, Surrey Hills North VIC 3127
Phone: 0410 696 037
ABN: 36 062 783 362


Established over 100 years ago, Medical Mission Aid partners with local Christian organisations in developing countries to assist in the advancement of effective and sustainable healthcare in disadvantaged communities. This is achieved by building local capacity through our medical scholarship program, by provision of crucial medication, medical equipment and supplies to struggling remote hospitals to improve patient care, and by partnering with local Christian organisations in impactful preventative health initiatives.

Executive Director: Meryl McEwen
President: Barry Kelly
Annual Revenue: $200,000

International China Concern Australia Ltd

525 Middleborough Road, Box Hill North, VIC, 3129
Phone: 1300 951 680
ABN: 30 091 040 649


International China Concern's (ICC) mission is to ensure every child with a disability in China is embraced by love, fueled by hope and empowered with life-changing opportunity.

ICC provides family-style care for children who have experienced abandonment, outreach services to impoverished families caring for their own child and vocational training for young adults.

Our vision is to see all children with a disability living fulfilling lives in a welcoming society that accepts and respects them.

National Office Director: Lyndel Clancy
Chair: Dennis Brown-Kenyon
Annual Revenue: $771,000


Projects for which we are seeking funding:

• Child Sponsorship - embark on a life-changing sponsorship journey to bring fullness of life to a child with a disability -

• Child Champions - become a monthly Child Champion and help provide vital services for children with disabilities wherever they are in ICC projects -

• Empowering Young Adults - vocational training to empower young adults to lead lives of dignity and opportunity -

Langham Partnership (Australia)

PO Box 530 Springwood NSW 2777
Phone: 02 4751 9036

ABN: 73 876 837 131


Our Vision is to see churches in the Majority World equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God.

CEO: Gillean Smiley
President: Jill McGilvray
Annual Revenue: $200,000

Entrust Foundation

PO Box 553 Doncaster VIC 3108
Phone: 03 9890 1621

ABN: 44 609 903 255


The Entrust Foundation exists to see the lives of the poor and oppressed transformed through effective community development. We do this by partnering with local organisations across 13 countries, empowering grassroots projects and developing relationships with generous donors who desire maximum impact and sustainable change for those in greatest need. Trusted partnerships are at the heart of what we do and together, we enable hope in hard places.

CEO: Nikki Capp
Chair: Mike Woods
Annual Revenue: $3.23m

Church of Christ Fellowship Clayton Inc

25 Burton Ave, Clayton VIC 3168
Phone: (03) 9544 2155

ABN: 93 065 089 736


Clayton Church of Christ has been a fixture in the Clayton community for over 60 years. We want to be an everyday church, a Christ-centred church, a local church, a global church, an empowering church, building disciples who represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere, with everything.

Snr Pastor: Chee Seng Fah
Chair: Charles Skadiang
Annual Revenue: $1.67m

Anglican Insurance and Risk Services Ltd

Suite 7, Level 6, 55 Swanston St Melbourne CBD Victoria
Phone: 1300 927 523

ABN: 46 633 941 698


AIRS serves the mission of the Anglican Church and it's Anglican Affiliates through an industry leading insurance program and supports the development of strong risk cultures within each Member organisation

CEO: Neil Bull
Chair: Trevor Ament
Annual Revenue: $1.06m

The Churches' Commission on Education Inc trading as YouthCARE

162 Colin St, West Perth WA 6005
Phone: 03 9890 1621

ABN: 70 172 899 396


WA’s leading provider of pastoral care and values education.

CEO: Tamsyn Cullingford
Chair: Glenn Bergsma
Annual Revenue: $24.2m

Baptist Financial Services Australia Limited

Level 4/5 Saunders Cl, Macquarie Park NSW 2113
Phone: 1300 650 542

ABN: 56 002 861 789


Enabling Christian ministry to thrive. For over 40 years, BFS has helped ministries get the funding and support they need to build and expand their ministry operations.

CEO: David Slinn
Chair: Ross Langford
Annual Revenue: $27.3m

The Trustees of the Diocese of Tasmania

125 Macquarie St, Hobart, TAS
Anglican Diocese of Tas
Phone: (03) 6220 2020

ABN: 28 082 125 921


The Trustees of the Diocese of Tasmania support the mission of the Anglican Church in Tasmania through careful management of the property and finances of the church. The Trustees’ goal is to ensure that the Church is able to continue in the future to be a Church for Tasmania, making disciples of Jesus.

CEO: James Oakley
Chair: Bishop Chris Jones
Annual Revenue: $4.3m

By meeting the requirements for CMA Standards Council accreditation, these organisations are demonstrating their diligent efforts to elevate the accountability of their governance, fundraising and financial oversight to the highest standards. These organisations are now entitled to use the CMA Standards Council 'Seal' as evidence of their compliance with our principles and standards.
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